Invalid Pin Code Entered for 1st Nominee – NDSL Error

I was recently trying to update the nominee details on the NDSL website and was not able to update it. I was constantly getting the error “Invalid Pin Code Entered for 1st Nominee”. It was very frustrating and kind of gave up many times. In this article, I will give a solution that worked for me and what was the reason for the error.

Error: Invalid Pin Code for 1st Nominee on NSDL Website

When you try to enter the details on the NDSL website, even though everything you entered is valid, you may end up getting an error that reads “Invalid Pin Code for 1st Nominee”. The errors looks like in the below screenshot:

Invalid Pin Code Entered for 1st Nominee Error in NSDL website
Invalid Pin Code Entered for 1st Nominee Error in NSDL website

Solution: Check the State and fix it

In order to fix the above error “Invalid Pin Code Entered for 1st Nominee Error”, one of the common reason is change of State names after bifurcation. For instance, if you have selected the new name of the state and have a pin code that is related to the original state it will not work.

For state like Andhra Pradesh, you should select “Andhra Pradesh(Before Division)”, similarly for other states, you select the same and then the error will go away.

What was your experience and how did you fix the error? Any other solutions?

1 Comment

  1. It worked for me. Thank you


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