GNC Blender Bottle – with Blender Ball Review

I have recently re-joined Gym to get back to  shape. I used to work out quite a bit few years ago and it was so much fun. I used to use a normal blender bottle to mix the protein, it was ok. I used to have problems with the mixing. Typically protein powder does not mix well, it used to have few small balls left unmixed making it hard to drink. Anyways, I was at the GNC store and was looking at some of the recent bottles they have come up with, it caught my eye as it said  ‘Blender Bottle with  Blender Ball ‘ …I just picked it up to try it. Here is my experience so far.

What is good about the GNC Blender Bottle ?

  • The blender ball ( they say patented ), is really good and helps mix the protein powder evenly. It looks like an Egg mixer, but in round shaped ball.  It is really awesome and helps the mixing of the protein powder
  • The quality of the blender bottle is also very high and it feels good when you hold in hand
  • The blender bottle has tight lid, it does not leak any of the liquid if you fill it.
  • Also, I like the opening of it small enough for someone to sip it after a set of work out and you start another exercise routine.

What can be improved in the Blender Bottle ?

  • I felt the price was a little high. I paid about $19 SGD, maybe the price can be reduced
  • I would love to have a small hook to it so that I can plug it to my back pack
  • Maybe it can come in different shapes and colors.

Though I paid a high price for the blender bottle by GNC, I felt it was a good product to buy, you will absolutely like the quality of the bottle and the fun Blender Ball in it !

What is your take ?  Did you buy one ? What is your review ?


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