How to remove Drishti or Buri Nazar for Babies ?

Babies or young kids can be very cranky and can get you drained down, if they are hit with disti, drishti or buri nazar ( however you call it ). It may help you, if you can try some of these home customs that have been practiced over centuries. Some of them may not make any sense, but they just feel to work for many…In our previous article we covered on How to remove drishti or evil eye for everyone…Now lets have a look at how you can do the same for babies ?

Before we begin, why do people do it…any logic ?

Does these Dristi Methods work ? What could be the reason ? What is the science ?

Below listed  methods are some of the common ways of removing dristi for kids or babies.  It may sound orthodox or funny for many, it is just believed that it helps kids and make them feel better. The scientific reason that I can think of is the magnetic field or the magnetic waves in the materials like camphor fire, salt that take out the bad aura or disturbance of kid’s magnetic field and gives them peace of mind….I may be totally wrong, but thats the science I can think of….I have been exposed to these for ever, many have no logic…they just seem to work….

How to remove Disti or Dristi or evil eye for your Baby or Young one ?

Below are some of the common ways of doing the process.

  • Rock Salt and Red chilli method
  • Camphor buring in plate method
  • Only Rock salt used to remove Dristi

Rock Salt and Red Chilli method

This is something that is done in villages, where you have flame and you can burn after you are done. Nevertheless, you can do it and throw it out after you are done. Below are the steps.

  • You can take some rock salt ( if not take some normal  salt ) and few red chilles that are dried in your fist
  • Make the baby sit facing east.
  • Take your fist with the rock salt and chilli and move it in ciruclar fashion in front of the baby  ( from head to waist)  three times in clockwise direction and 3 times in anti-clockwise direction
  •  You may chant saying ” remove dristi from father, mother, relatives, everyone who have seen the baby ” when you are doing this
  • Once you are done with this, you spit three times in the stuff inside your fist with the rock salt and chillies.
  • You take the salt and red chilli and throw it in flame of your kitchen stove. usually you hav mud stove with wooden fire in villages and people throw in it. Based on the sound they tell how much dristi was there.

Camphor Burning in Plate to remove Dristi

This is something that is very commonly done. To do it, follow below steps

  • Take some camphor in a small plate or the deepa kalasam ( the one you light camphor for praying to god )
  • Make the baby sit facing east.
  • Light the camphor in the deepa kalasam or plate
  • Take the plate and move it in ciruclar fashion in front of the baby  ( from head to waist)  three times in clockwise direction and 3 times in anti-clockwise direction
  • Then take the plate up and down three times.
    • You may chant saying ” remove dristi from father, mother, relatives, everyone who have seen the baby ” when you are doing this
  • Have the flame slightly to the baby eyes or head and take the black smoke and put it on Baby head, left hand and left leg.
  • Then you can take the plate with camphor that is still lighted and leave it outside or in front of the house

Only Rock Salt to remove Dristi

 People use this step, when you have nothing else at home and very simple way of doing it. If you do not have rock salt, just use normal salt at home.

  • take some rock salt or normal salt in your fist
  • Make the baby sit facing east.
  • Take your fist with the rock salt and move it in ciruclar fashion in front of the baby  ( from head to waist)  three times in clockwise direction and 3 times in anti-clockwise direction
  •  You may chant saying ” remove dristi from father, mother, relatives, everyone who have seen the baby ” when you are doing this
  • Once you are done with this, you spit three times in the stuff inside your fist with the rock salt
  • You take the salt and dissolve it in water and throw it out in sink or outside of house.


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