Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses Review

I have been a big fan of the latest innovation out there, especially wearables. I started to explore these things and used Google Glasses   for some time now. I have got a Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses and it has been an interesting journey. Both are not really comparable as they cater for the different uses and user type.

What are the Cool features of Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses ?

  • From an OS perspective, it uses Android ICS and nice to program, if you would like to build any application
  • The set comes with a pair of Safety Glasses and you can wear the Smart Glasses main piece to that safety glasses
  • The Smart glass main piece ( which has the screen and the hardware ), is detachable and can be adjusted as you need
  • It also comes with a head band, where you can take the main piece and put to the head band. The good part with this is that, if you have power / sight glasses, you do not need to worry too much. You can put the Vuzix smart glasses with the head band so that it can be used easily
  • The charging seems to be very good. It lasts better time
  • It also comes with a nice case and extra battery back.
  • There is also a piece of software for desktop that it comes with and makes it easy for taking screenshots or recording videos
  • The screen is pretty decent and you can view it clearly. It can be tricky to adjust the eye piece, but once you adjust it. you can feel good about the screen and view.
  • It has buttons to navigate ( not the best feature )
  • It also comes with gesture controls, but not enabled with the current OS version.
  • The price is not that bad, it is about one half of the price of the Google Glass.

What can be improved on Vuzix M100 Smart Glasses  ?

Despite a good product, I believe there needs to be quite a few changes that needs to be done for this to be great product.

  • The design is very clunky for navigation. The user can be very confused with the buttons and hit wrong buttons. Despite some training, it feels not that great
  • The weight of the eye piece is a little big, needs to make it small.
  • The overall design of the eye piece and the safety glasses or head band has to be tweaked. They are not balanced well. If you wear the eye piece, it pulls down because of the weight and have hard time adjusting.
  • The navigation has to improved quite a bit, it is not very smooth, button have to be re-defined with some other technology like swipe
  • The voice recognition is not that great, it has to be really quite and does not work well.

I personally, believe that the product has a long way to go to be used in day-to-day life. The design has to be tweaked for industry use. Nevertheless, it can be improved, Vuzix has the technology and it is good for a beginner version.

What are your thoughts ? What is your take on this Vuzix  M100 Smart Glasses ?

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