Strollers / Buggy Allowed in Colosseum ? Really needed in Rome ?

We have a three year old girl and it can be hard to carry a three year old, when you have to walk a lot. One of the key things we worry about is to think about Stoller or a buggy when we travel. We were visiting rome and did a lot of research and figured out mixed opinion from many…some saying Strollers or buggy will not survive and it is an overhead to have them. Now that we have visited Rome and most famous Colosseum, we can share our experience.

Strollers or Buggy are they really needed in Rome ?

Absolutely Yes ! Without the stroller or our small buggy foldable buggy, we could not have survived in Rome. Literally, we are walking many kilometers everyday. On an average we walked about 10 KM per day and without stroller we could not have survived. We bought a small foldable buggy for about 30 Euro in Rome itself and used it all over the city.

Is Stroller or Buggy allowed in Colossuem ?

Yes, absolutely, there are even elevators / Lifts for the same to go to upper levels and you can use them freely. We spent a lot of time there and stroller helps a lot. My little one slept and it was nice in it.

What is the catch ? Why many people give mixed opinion ? What is the problem with Roads ?

The big catch as many say is the roads in Rome are fully cobblestone based and they are like here. It is hard on the buggy wheels, but I can tell you, we bought a cheap foldable buggy for 30 Euro and it survived well for us. If you are into too much heavy ones, it can be tricky to carry them around in buses. Overall, there are some places like Piazza Venezia where you will have hard time taking the stroller up the stairs, where we had to carry our daughter as she was sleeping and two of us carried her up in stroller up all the way…so, it can be hassle at time, but I highly recommend taking it.

It can be bumpy for you and the kid to take the cobble stone roads and you will need to take up and down the walkways as they are not proper foot paths, but trust me, it is worth carrying a umbrella style one or buying one in Rome…

What has been your experience ?